My office the coffee shop, one of them


Do you ever go to a coffee shop late at night and just sit there and relax and people watch? or take your laptop and headphones and browse the net, and people watch? I do and I love it. As long as I have my laptop and an internet connection I am good to go. There are several sites I like getting podcasts from and free pdfs reports and blueprints, and I will just sit and read or listen to a podcast and zone out.

These are some of my most favorite ways to come up with ideas for more niches or ways for online marketing. At a coffee shop I can sit and watch people and just totally relax, and when I relax that’s when the creative ideas start to flow. I see things, people, interactions, needs or wants and they give me ideas. Ideas turn into pdf reports or downloads or attachments I send out to my email list. Sometimes they go viral and the next thing I know I am joint venturing with someone doing a new niche site or membership site.

All you need is:

  • a laptop
  • headphones
  • a couple of dollars(for coffee)
  • nothing else to do
  • and a cool loungy coffee shop

I go to coffee shops to get away from it all, to get away from the house, the wife, the daughter and just decompress. Unwind from a long day of either coding that new niche site or dating site and not being bothered by anyone. In my own little world.

I can even watch a netflix movie or some TV episode if I want from netflix, with the watch instantly feature. I can also go to Amazon.Com and get some episodes of Battlestar Galactica or some other TV or movie and watch those as well. The list goes on…

I love being wired…



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Be sure to check out my Podcast!


2 Responses to “My office the coffee shop, one of them”
  1. Emma says:

    Yup. Technology is great! =)

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