It’s been a little over 2 months since I posted last, in fact December 6th was the last post. I had been busy making sites and getting them indexed for the rush of Christmas traffic, and just got caught up in the whirl wind of excitement. LOTS of things happenin’g and happened since then, one […]

I’ve been rather busy lately, putting out some niche sites, because it’s the Holiday Season and people are Buying like crazy! Great time to have an amazon powered Niche Site, pulling in sale after sale. I also recently listened to a great podcast over at Smart Passive Income with Chris Guthrie, Author of Niche Profit […]

Well, I’ve not put too much work into my site for I realized a little way into the building of the site, there may not be enough traffic to sustain it, or even put more effort into it. Not many people realize that Kettlebell Training originated in Russia, nor do many people search for […]

I was researching a topic last week for a few new niches and stumbled upon something that’s quickly becoming the next cool thing to have, an Android Smart Phone.  With Googles new Droid, HTC’s Droid and Motorola’s Droid, there’s going to be a bunch of new cases and skins for the new smartphone craze. I […]

I love spying. I love when they(the competition) just give it to me, free high ranking keywords, domain ideas, traffic. Why reinvent the wheel when you can just steal it? I mean stealing is ok when they have their stuff on the ‘net, right? Well, maybe not in most cases, but I’m going to tell […]

Hey folks, sorry for the total and complete lag on my monthly income reports, lot’s of things been happening. So this is September 2010’s income report, 5 months late, but I guess better late then never. So the past few months I’ve been perfecting a system of how I build niche sites, how I place […]

I’ve come up with a little philosophy about internet marketing, niche marketing, finding a good niche and making money online. I am sure I’m not the only person to take this approach, but it all stems from Bruce Lee’s philosophy of Jeet Kune Do.  Take what works, discard what doesn’t. With this philosophy in mind, […]

May’s income report was a slight increase from April, for a total of 1002.88. May was the month to start reorganization of my thoughts, my workflow and my direction in Internet marketing and making money online. I started the focus on writing my own product. I’m doing 2 to start with, a photography book on […]

I’ve finally had a better month at making some good online income, and have spent less time on the computer doing it too. I’ve made some huge leaps and bounds and while my income has only gone up about 100$ since my last income report, I’ve also spent less time doing it. WAY LESS. First […]

Compounding Little Income Streams to make Bigger Income Streams. I’d like to go over Decembers earnings and how Compounding Little Online Income Streams can help to form Bigger Streams of Income. This post is meant to encourage those having a hard time with making money online, by seeing how it’s working for me. Decembers income […]