Google Search Results Are Skewed – How To Get Real Search Results
How To Get Rid of Google Personalized Search
Many people may already know that Google personalizes search results based on your search and browse patterns, but I didn’t realize how it affected me and my business until just recently. When I thought my websites were climbing in the ranks to page 1 of Google they really weren’t on page 1, they were more on page 2 or 3.
Google is using what is commonly know as Personalized Search. This changes the search results based on the websites you’ve previously visited. While this might be great in some instances, it’s very misleading in others and can hurt your web based internet business and keep you from really attaining the #1 position in Google if you’re not careful.
Because I visit my websites more than other websites in the search results when I do a search of my keywords, the search rankings and results are skewed and not as accurate as some believe. This gives a false sense of security and reality for those who have no idea Google is customizing the search results based on search history.
So me, being a niche marketer who depends on knowing his ranking in the Search Engine Results Pages, needs to know where I stand with the Google, as most of my traffic will come from Google. I need to know so I can determine what course of action I should take for getting my ranking higher, or if I just need to maintain my current status. I also need to have an accurate result so I can best assess my competition based on their true ranking, and not what Google thinks I want to see. Make sense?
There are several things you can do to get a true search result. One is go to an anonymizer search system such as and use their un-skewed results and also get no ads. Another thing you can do is turn off Google’s Personalized Search by reading their instructions HERE.
I use both Scroogle and Turned off the Personalized Search and now get the more accurate results when I search my keywords and look at my competition.
Thanks to Pat Flynn at for the Scroogle Tip, and be sure to read the little fiction story on Called “Scroogled“, pretty good read.
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I like running Google Chrome in incognito mode, takes care of turning off search personalization as well:
Good info. Good site. I put you in my favorites.
I will be searching through your archives.
Live it LOUD!
Okay, now I am soooo bummed. thought I was making progress, but of course you’re right. Yes, I know it is better to know this, but boy have you just burst my bubble!
Well Kathy, I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, ok maybe not, but yeah it’s better to know this, as I too thought I was making progress and even listed a site on flippa to flip. Saying it was #1 in Google for the terms and then learning I was so wrong. Needless to say my auction didn’t sell. Yeah at least now you can get an accurate reading on where you stand.
Good points all aronud. Truly appreciated.