Building Trust and Loyalty through Appreciation
Friday afternoon I got home from the gym, walked into the kitchen, saw the little lady and asked her the usual “Anything good in the mail today?”. Usually I’m asking about money in the form of affiliate checks or payments from a certain client that I had just won a small claims case from. “No but you have a box from EzineArticles, or something like that”. EzineArticles? I wonder why they would send me anything? Surely not a bill! EzineArticles Plain White Box I went into the dining room and sure enough there was a plain white box, with the EzineArticles Logo on the top. A nice looking plain white box too! Maybe I could use it for shipping something. I opened it up to find a really nice coffee mug, a coaster and a small bag of coffee, with a note of thanks and... [Read more]
I’m Looking For Podcast Interviewee’s – Help Me Out Please
Hey folks, as you know I’ve started my podcast with a bang, and I am in need of a podcast for this next week. I wasn’t fast enough with scheduling this week and Friday is already here. Usually I interview on Wednesday, edit by Sunday and try to have it up by Monday morning. This week I lagged and don’t have a cast, but I do have one for next week. So I am looking to get a list of people together for myself to interview for the podcast. What I am looking for are people in the Blogosphere, or in online marketing or have an online store. They are making a living or pretty close too it with there online ventures, but have had or are having a hard time getting a good start, but ARE overcoming the obstacles. What I am looking for are the underdog stories that people like to hear... [Read more]
Choose Your Topic Wisely When Doing A Niche Affiliate Site
I was researching a topic last week for a few new niches and stumbled upon something that’s quickly becoming the next cool thing to have, an Android Smart Phone. With Googles new Droid, HTC’s Droid and Motorola’s Droid, there’s going to be a bunch of new cases and skins for the new smartphone craze. I did my research, looked for a good domain and was amazed there weren’t more domains snatched up. I decided to get a couple different domains, ranging from $9-$12 at Godaddy.Com, and started building the sites. Things are going great, one site is already on the first page of Google within 2 days! Awesome! The site looks great, cool Android type font, color is great, it’s going to be a great money maker. So I start to add products and after adding several from... [Read more]

Business Intelligence and Strategy with David Crandall – Podcast Interview #2
I ran across David Crandall from Heroic Destiny in a Teleclass Podcast on BlogcastFM.Com a bit over a month ago. I’ve been listening to the podcasts at for some time now and this post about this teleclass interested me. It was their first product they were marketing, all of $12 and so I bought it. This was my first knowledge of David Crandall, and I was very impressed with the content of the podcast. It was something that spoke to me and inspired me to do this podcast I have since started. David also posted on his blog about how he has saved companies several millions of dollars, and in the same post offered free coaching for a few select people who could meet a certain criteria. I had spoken to David on Skype a few days before about the fear of doing a podcast, and fear... [Read more]

Niche Site Espionage, Spying on the Competition and Finding Niches
I love spying. I love when they(the competition) just give it to me, free high ranking keywords, domain ideas, traffic. Why reinvent the wheel when you can just steal it? I mean stealing is ok when they have their stuff on the ‘net, right? Well, maybe not in most cases, but I’m going to tell you one way of spying on your competition and finding: Effortlessly find Niches to Exploit High Ranking Keywords Domain Name Ideas Researching the other competition in SERPs Finding Affiliate programs Ranking in Google Quickly Article Marketing to boost on page ranking Making Money I love this stuff, it makes my heart go pitter patter. The prospect of yet one more niche website that will eventually make me $200-$500 a month with little to no work after it’s established, makes my wallet... [Read more]

How Pat Flynn Got Started In His Niche Market – Podcast Interview #1
How Pat Flynn Got Started In His Niche Market – Podcast Interview (Podcast is at the bottom) I had the pleasure of interviewing Pat Flynn for my first podcast interview, and get the details of the story of how he got started in Niche Marketing. I because aware of Pat when I stumble onto his blog on August 27th, 2009. It was a post about parents think making money online is ridiculous, and I could totally relate to this as my parents are the same way. Because I could relate, I started following Pat and watched him and his blog grow from there on out. His story starts out with how his market chose him, instead of him choosing his market. A chance happening with luck and fate and how he now makes $20K a month from his online ventures. This story is a reminder that sometimes we don’t... [Read more]

A Funny Story About Personal Branding
This is a slightly funny story about how I got my personal branding in the photography industry. I highly suggest you pick your branding carefully before you get known for something, silly or worse. A while back I joined an email list, actually quite a few years ago. It was the San Diego Goth List, for events and keeping up to date on the San Diego Gothic and Industrial Scene. I signed up because I love going dancing late at night in dark clubs such as goth and industrial dance clubs, and didn’t want to miss anything fun. Everyone on the list had a cool moniker/nickname: White Cat, Dragon, W!rehead, Vicious Sprite, Gcat and Mr. Creep. I had signed up using my real name, Larry Clark, dud, what kind of cool moniker is that? It’s not. So there I sat, brainstorming a cool name for my... [Read more]

My Office, The Coffee Shop
I love it, I’m sitting at my favorite coffee shop, across the steet from Starbucks, and I just finished my lunch. It’s raining outside, and I chose to be here for the rain today, that and to finish an 1100 word Book review for Ashley Karyl. The eBook review is for his book How To Photograph Nudes Like a Professional. Great book on the topic of Professional NUde Photography, and how to be successful at it. The review has been a long time coming as I’ve taken a while to read the book, it’s 328 pages long, and life tends to get in the way at times. I’m not complaining though. I can honestly say that being able to walk to the coffee shop and just write and relax, is a really great may to make a living! I will NEVER work for “The Man” ever again. Think about... [Read more]

What can New Internet Marketers Learn from Michigan J. Frog?
I love Michigan J. Frog. For many of you my age(46) you know exactly who I am talking about, for the younger crowd, you may know him as the WB Frog. However he is not the WB Frog, he is Michigan J. Michigan J. Frog has a valuable lesson to teach us, in this little cartoon from 1955, and I would like to see if you can guess it before I give away the answer. To help you figure it out, I am including the cartoon here for all of you to watch and see for yourself, all the right things were there for him to become a huge hit. All the right marketing and promotions, the word of mouth, the discounts and bonuses(free beer), and a large crowd gathering to see the singing frog. Only one thing was missing, can you guess what it was? Many times in today’s world of online marketing and lifestyle design,... [Read more]
Income Report for October 2010
Hey Folks, I know it’s been way to long since I posted here and I still need to catch up on my income reports for the past year+ up to the present (1/2012). I’ve had many changes happening in my life recently and it’s complicated matters in the way of niche marketing and making my niche sites as well. Complications that have caused me to not be able to make any new niche sites in the last 3 months of 2011 and the only work being done on the sites I did have were back links by my VA. Yes I have a VA now and that’s for another post. As some of you know my daughter was exposed to lead due to some shoddy renovations done by the landlord of the place we lived. Because of legal issues with that and bad feelings between he and my family we decided to look for a new place to... [Read more]

Popup Domination Review – An Honest One.
My brutally honest review of Popup Domination. I hate Pop ups. I really do, I freaking hate them. Intrusive, in your face, every time you visit your favorite website, distracting and annoying. Period. But wait, this one is…different. It’s elegant, it’s NOT in your face EVERYTIME you visit a website and did I say it looks good and is customizable? Well yeah that’s all well and good, but does it work at getting conversions? I was migrating BlogcastFM from SlowDaddy to MediaTemple, and was looking around the backend(I know where Srini keeps his porn), when I noticed they were using Popup Domination, and looked at the interface. Very nice looking robust interface for the backend, to customize the look and feel of the popup. I also noticed that this was the same popup thingy... [Read more]

Get an E-Product and Social Proof from Blog World Expo
A couple of weeks ago Cori Padgett from Big Girl Branding did a post that was so valuable, that I felt like I was stealing from her when I downloaded the free PDF of questions and answers from 61 Entrepreneurs. This post and PDF was such a great read it inspired me to this idea of getting an e-product and social proof out of Blog World Expo for those of you who are going. Unfortunately, I am not going but I wish I were. I love conferences and conventions, great way to meet and network with people, and to meet people you have talked to online. Blog World Expo would be a great place to glean ideas, wisdom and some social proof, as well as pick the brains of the big names. Being a photographer, who has photo’ed a few well known bands in the Gothic, Industrial and New Wave Genre, I know what... [Read more]