Niche Market Ideas and How To Find Them, Streetfighting for Bloggers – Part 2
Niche Market Ideas and How to Find Them I’m asked all the time how I go about finding my Niche Market Ideas for the micro niche websites I build. First thing I tell everyone is get a small pad of paper, or a little notepad, and a pencil, and start carrying it around with you everywhere you go. This is in case you get an idea you can write it down and not forget about it. I can’t tell you how many times I have come up with a great idea and not written it down, only to forget the idea altogether. Think Like an Opportunist, Look at Things as a Solution or a Problem The next think I tell people is you have to start thinking opportunistically. By that I mean it’s a slightly different way of thinking. For example, some of you know I am in a Micro Niche Challenge with Pat Flynn and... [Read more]

Micro Niche Site Challenge – Part 3
Ranking the Niche Site Website in Google I was pleasantly surprised to find today, that my site is on page 2 of Google SERPs, at #16, after starting out as not ranking at all, then on page 28 at #286 last friday. This is how I do my indexing strategy for this site. Step 1 I installed WordPress and all of the plug ins that I was going to use for the site. I also started to modify the site to make it look a little different and to what I wanted. I make a custom header image, which I may still change once I can get my busy Graphic Artist Wife on board(Unless someone want’s to get pimped out with a design and a mention). Step 2 I wrote 3 posts optimized for the key words I was going for, primary Russian Kettlebell Training. I added the header tags for the 3 main search engine sites and authenticated... [Read more]

Micro Niche Site Challenge – Part 2
Micro Niche Challenge Ok so I have my domain russiankettlebelltraining.com, and I’ve started to add content, slowly, maybe one to two posts per day or every other day so far. I’ve also ordered my articles for the article marketing a few days ago, from seoarticlewritingpros.com. They charge 10$ per article of you order at least 10. Content Strategy I know the articles may be more than I can get from someone in the Philippines, but I’ve had one bad experience with PI, and I don’t have time to research for a new one. So I am basically paying for convenience. Now I am not sure if they outsource to the Philippines, but when I receive the articles they are great! Good grammar, well read and ready to post to article directories. Double Your Moneys Worth Once I have posted my... [Read more]

Adversity, The Catalyst for Change and Success
Sometimes, things just gotta change… Naomi Dunford wrote a nice post for Problogger’s Birthday, and it gave me the inspiration to write about my own adversity in life. The Adverse Incident On April 15th, 1987, I was told I had a life threatening illness and was given about 1 year to live. It was mind numbing. As the doctor handed me a packet of information, I got up and walked out of his office, as his voice slipped into that hollow sort of echo-y distance like in the movies. I walked out to the parking lot where I fell to my knees and started to cry. Life as I knew it, was over. All sorts of things were going through my head – How long do I have? Is there a cure? Would anyone ever love me again? Would anyone want to make love to me anymore? Would they see past the... [Read more]
Income Report for September 2010
Hey folks, sorry for the total and complete lag on my monthly income reports, lot’s of things been happening. So this is September 2010’s income report, 5 months late, but I guess better late then never. So the past few months I’ve been perfecting a system of how I build niche sites, how I place content on them, and how I get them ranking with back linking strategies and such. I’ve been working hard at this as I am putting together a membership course for niche site’s and niche marketing. I’ve been using ReviewAzon for getting some content up really quickly and highly suggest it. See my review HERE. I’m sure there’s a few people out there who have a little extra time and would like to know how to do these little niche sites that build recurring... [Read more]

Blogging, One Year Later, Where I’ve Been, Where I’m Going…
Technically it’s been a little over a year, but who’s counting, maybe 13-14 months, but it’s been a year. I’ve come a long way since I started reading Yaro Staraks Blog, one of the biggest reasons I am still doing this. I was in his Blog Mastermind program after reading so much good content on his blog, and reading his reviews of products. I am finally starting to make a living from doing this blog business that I have built. The money from my efforts didn’t come right away, it took a while, it actually started coming in more recently, starting at about 6-9 months into it. It’s continued to grow monthly since. It’s taken basically about a year for me to realize that I can make a living from blogging. If you blog for less than a year and give up, you’re... [Read more]

Kettlebell Training, Micro Niche site
So I started my Kettlebell Training yesterday. I am doing this in part due to the Micro Niche Challenge going on with Pat Flynn, Tyrone Shum, and a host of other Bloggers including myself. I decided if I was going to do a micro niche site I should do one in something I am passionate about. I’m not sure if I am passionate about Kettlebell Training, it’s Hard! I started yesterday and man, I was whooped after 2 sets of 15 reps each, of 3 different exercises with the kettlebells. I mean sure I’ll be passionate about training and the niche site but man those exercises kicked my butt. Check out the video at the bottom of the page about my Micro Niche Site on Kettlebell Training. My legs and arms are hurtin’ for certain, but I feel good. The exercises actually helped to strech... [Read more]

Micro Niche Site Challenge – Part 1
I was on facebook a while back and saw Tyrone Shum Challenge Pat Flynn to a niche site duel and I had to get a piece of that action. I’ve been doing micro niche marketing sites for almost a year now and think I have a little bit of a head start on it than those two guys. So we shall see. The only rule is you can’t use any sort of paid traffic techniques. So I went over to the Niche Duel Hub to see what’s up and saw that a few more people have join the challenge as well and will be good to see how each of them do with their way of doing things. One guy is using one of my favorite WordPress themes for niche sites, for his niche site: StudioPress.com. Another person is doing a Niche Profit Press site, which personally I had no luck with but best of luck to him, maybe I just wasn’t... [Read more]

July Income Report and a Day in my “Glamorous” Life.
7:15am, Ughh, can’t she at least sleep in till 8:00am? 7:20 am, Get up and change the little ladies diaper, Sarah my daughter(2), stumble out to the kitchen and get her some juice to keep her occupied, while I start the diapers. 7:30am, get the bag of washable, re-usable cloth diapers, by Bum Genius, start the wash cycle. Wash hands, and heat a cup of water for my morning green tea. 7:35am cut up some organic strawberries, to get Sarah started with breakfast. We try to eat ONLY organic food in this household, especially fruits and vegetables. 7:45am, cut up a cantaloupe and give it to Sarah. start checking emails, affiliate sales, AdSense income, Amazon income, check comments. 8:00am, start replying to comments, read other posts by fellow bloggers who are trying to make a living, making... [Read more]

Quitting The Day Job, Finally.
I am way behind in my posting for the past 2 months, as I have been preparing for the arrival of my new daughter Hannah June, so I owe you all a July and August Income Report, and I have some exciting news. In my June Income Report someone asked if I was able to commit to doing this full time yet. Well…Yes, now I am. That and Hannah was born August 22nd, 2010 at 11:49am. I basically quit the day job August 1st, 2010. You could say I was forced to or I did it willingly. I think more willingly than anything. I do, or did, I.T. consulting for my day job, and this economy has taken my company down the tubes, so to say. In the past two years my income from the day job has gone from 65K+ per year in 2008, to 28K+ in 2009 and down to about 9K for 2010. Yes that’s right, only $9,000 from... [Read more]

Ten Things I Learned on the Journey of Self Discovery Through Blogging
In blogging for the past year, on and off, building my dating sites and niche sites, I have come to several realizations about myself. I can’t blog or work on a niche site that I have absolutely no passion for. It becomes boring to the point that it causes me anxiety and I make distractions in order to avoid, the boring. Then I get anxious about wasting time and not doing anything productive. I am easily distracted, even on medication for ADHD, I am still easily distracted, “Ooh shiny…”, I stay focused by NOT browsing the Internet when I am trying* to work, and write. Getting it done doesn’t mean thinking about it more, getting it done means just that, doing it and getting it done. Sometimes I spread myself too thin. When I do that, I know it’s time to sell... [Read more]

The Big Moo by the Group of 33, and Seth Godin
The book “The Big Moo“, by not only Seth Godin, but 33 other successful business people, including Mark Cuban, Dave Balter, Malcolm Gladwell, Tom Peters, and Guy Kawasaki, is a compilation of shorts that tell how people have made their little businesses, remarkable. Godin’s previous book, “Purple Cow“, talks about being a standout Purple Cow in a crowded field of brown cows. Sometimes you need a Big Moo, to go beyond and become remarkable. Easily remarked about, in other words. So extraordinary people want to remark about it. Purple Cow talks about standing out in a field of Brown Cows, but The Big Moo talks about how to get people to remark on your business. Essential to becoming viral in a sea of ordinary and sometimes flooded landscape. Godin talks about how... [Read more]