Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us by Seth Godin – Free Audio Book Download
Heretics are everywhere, but don’t be afraid, you follow them willingly. As Seth Godin States in his book Tribes, “The world has changed a lot. There are heretics everywhere you look,” he writes. “Heretics are engaged, passionate, and more powerful and happier than everyone else, and they have a tribe that they support (and supports them in turn).” A heretic is now someone who, as the old world would say: speaks against the church, but today they are the movers and shakers, the leaders of viral movements and the starters of revolutions. Are you a heretic? Do you have what it takes to be a leader in today’s world? Heretics move people and get things moving. This is one of Seth’s books on Leadership, and it also throws in bits of Idea virus, Purple... [Read more]

June Income Report
Last month I was talking about this months income report, and how it was going to be much better. Well it is. As you can see it’s about $700 better, which was a nice boost. I am shooting for even more in July. I’ve started on several eBooks, 4 of which are already online and selling, Rockabilly Hairstyles. My next ebooks are about black and white Hollywood Glamour Photography, something people have been asking me for, for a while now. I am hoping that will be a good seller. I am also going to start my fetish photography site, and a digital photography site. Yeah I know there’s a ton of them, but mine will be different. I promise. As you can see, I did a website flip last month. I didn’t make much from it but the experience I gained was invaluable. The income from the... [Read more]

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill – Book Review
I finished the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill a few weeks ago, rather the audio version of it, and almost immediately thought of The Secret. Although I have never read The Secret, or watched a movie about it, I did see an info movie about it, a while back, and thought to myself that this is probably where The Secret started from or got it’s inspiration. From what I understand, I am correct in that assumption, in doing some research on that before writing this review, Think and Grow Rich is said to be the inspiring topic for The Secret. Personally I was not impressed with what I’ve heard about The Secret, and the way it was presented and the way I saw it was more get rich quick crap, than fact. However, in the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, I was Awe Inspired,... [Read more]

Niche Market Blogging or Streetfighting for Bloggers – Part 1
I’ve come up with a little philosophy about internet marketing, niche marketing, finding a good niche and making money online. I am sure I’m not the only person to take this approach, but it all stems from Bruce Lee’s philosophy of Jeet Kune Do. Take what works, discard what doesn’t. With this philosophy in mind, take what works, discard what doesn’t, I formulated my own “Style” or philosophy of Blogging and Marketing. Comprised of things that work and get the job done the way that works for me, in the most efficient way possible. I call it Street Fighting for Bloggers. As I am sure you know, Street Fighting is Quick, Down and Dirty. Street Fighting for Bloggers is also Quick, Down and Dirty. It is the most efficient, fastest, easiest way to... [Read more]

What we can learn from Bruce Lee about Blogging
Bruce Lee Bruce Lee, started a martial arts philosophy called Jeet Kune Do, The Way of the Intercepting Fist. Rather than a system or “Style” of fighting it was more philosophy than physical art. The premise is “keep what works, discaed the useless”. Having drawn from many styles of arts in his life, but the core being from the style called Wing Chun, his own growth in martial arts was very eclectic, taking what worked for him, and leaving what didn’t. In many ways, we as bloggers and niche marketers need to do the same thing for ourselves. I for one have been through several “Schools of Blogging” and several “Schools of Marketing”, and have found that from each there were things that worked for me, and things that didn’t. The Darren... [Read more]

SOLD! How I Flipped My First Website
Well I did it! I Flipped my first website! I made more money flipping the website than I did in all the time it was up. Which isn’t much but hey, I got some money for it. So my first flip was a site I originally put on the auction block at flippa.com, and it received 2 bids total, but didn’t meet the reserve so it didn’t sell. I decided to put a little more content on there, and then I re-listed it for half price listing, since it didn’t sell the first time, and then I also redid the sales page on the auction. I included the income it was receiving, the traffic stats, and some other ways it could be monetized and then crossed my fingers. It received 1 bid, which was exactly the reserve amount of $60, and it sold with that one bid. The guy then sent me all his login info... [Read more]

Remove Google Background Image: How To Get Rid Of the New Background Image on Google
The new Google background image has a lot of people annoyed and wanting to remove the Google background. Google has introduced a wallpaper image on it’s homepage, highlighting one of its new features, and is causing a lot of people to get irritated with the Evil Empire. “Remove Google background image” is one of the top searches on Google Trends. The Huffington Post has received emails from readers eager to remove the background image. As of yet I can only find a white background to change it back to in the “Editors Picks”. Here are the steps: First step- You need to click on the change background image link on the bottom of the page. Once you click on the link, a small box with different images will appear. Second step- After checking over the bold print choices... [Read more]

Blog Flipping when bored with your website
I’ve had a lot of thoughts about getting rid of a few of my blogs I have, and one idea that came to mind was flipping them. The site Flippa.com is just the place to do it. An acquaintence of mine sold her blog ebookerreaderguide.com for a bit over 1K. the person who bought it keep posting to the blog, building readers and traffic, and while all this is going on he is making money from the traffic to Amazon.com. He eventually flipped the site again on Flippa.com for 16k! You read that right. $16,000. Of course not every site is going to command that kind of money but you can search for it on Flippa.com and see the interesting feedback and stats on the site. I’d like to do that sometime, but when you have a site that makes 900$ a money, what do you do? Keep it or sell it? which is... [Read more]

May Income Report
May’s income report was a slight increase from April, for a total of 1002.88. May was the month to start reorganization of my thoughts, my workflow and my direction in Internet marketing and making money online. I started the focus on writing my own product. I’m doing 2 to start with, a photography book on my style of photography, Hollywood Glamour Photography, and the second on my new way of monetizing websites, the fastest way I have found to do it so far. While all the marketing and money making programs I have done have been good in their own way, for one reason or another, they do not monetize fast enough to help pay the bills. Like I said This month saw a slight increase from last month, and I am forecasting a gradual but steady increase from here on out. I have a few new... [Read more]

April Monthly Income Report
It’s been almost 2 months since I posted to this blog, only because I am busy with my other sites and niches, that I have a hard time writing to this blog at times. I’m so busy at times that I forget to post to this blog. My apologies, I will try to post at least twice a week from now on. So the last income report I gave was totaled at $1,356.91 for the month of March, and I posted this on April 1st. The previous income report was for December 2009 and that amount was for $1,294.78. This months income was about $350 less than the last income report coming in at $977.53. Depressing? Not really, I’ve only been doing this for almost a year now and my income before this was pretty much maybe $100 per month, if I was lucky, from Adsense. The main difference from the last report... [Read more]

March Income Report – A Watched Pot Never Boils
I’ve finally had a better month at making some good online income, and have spent less time on the computer doing it too. I’ve made some huge leaps and bounds and while my income has only gone up about 100$ since my last income report, I’ve also spent less time doing it. WAY LESS. First off, I’ll be giving another review of Niche Profit Classroom, as I have used it for over six months now, and not earned a single dime from it. At least not the way they teach it. But I will review that in another post. I recommend it for people needing or wanting to learn about selling ebooks or other info products, but the way they teach it and the products they sell with the program are… crap. But again that’s for another post. So I’ve been very busy and away from... [Read more]

The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz – Book Review
After reading the 4 Hour Work Week I decided to check into the other books he put in the “Restricted Reading” section. The restricted reading is going on a low information diet to help quiet the head and make life a little more sane. I have indulged in some of his advices such as limiting checking my email to 2 times a day and have found that it gives me more time, less stress and I am more relaxed throughout the day now too. Not constantly thinking about email and hitting the pelletized cocaine retrieval button 80 times a day, I have more time to do more important things with my time. Like spending more time with my daughter walking around the neighborhood, or working on other Niche Sites I am developing like RockabillyLifestyle.Com, which I probably have to much crap on right... [Read more]