Become a Blogger Opens This Week Again
If you’ve wanted to join the blogging revolution and didn’t know where or how to start, how to upload or setup a blog, this is your chance now! Become a Blogger Premium is re-opening this week with Gideon Shalwick and Yaro Starak, and this program rocks. Claim Your FREE Copy Of “The Roadmap To Become A Blogger”! The Essential Blue Print for becoming a Blogger! I can personally attest to the greatness of Yaro Staraks program “Blog Mastermind” and am a member myself, so I highly recommend become a blog premium if you are wanting to become one of the best bloggers in town. You can just go check out the free videos they have up, read the sales page and sign up. There’s absolutely NO RISK involved, so you have NOTHING TO LOSE. Click the banner below... [Read more]

Book Review: The 4 Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferris
The 4 Hour Work Week Book Review by Timothy Ferris I sat at my gym on the outside upper deck over looking The San Diego Skyline, after finishing the audio version of Timothy Ferris’ “The 4 Hour Work Week”, and I had to give pause for a few minutes and start to do an assessment of my own life, goals and direction I am headed. I’m not happy that I am not further along in my goals, but I am happy that I have a good start on my four hour work week, I just wish I was further along in the trail. After going to his website and signing in and watching his videos of him in real life doing the things he talks about, or walking the talk, this guy is the real deal and is putting it all out there for all of us to grab. After reading this mans book, I want to be doing the things... [Read more]

Killing me with Kindness – For a Better World
Killing me with Kindness – For a Better World One of the blogs I follow is http://www.thrillingheroics.com, because I like what this guy is doing. Sure he’s traveling the world and living the good life of an entrepreneur, but he’s also stopping at orphanages around Bangkok and Thailand and helping them. There’s one post I was just reading and watched the video here, “My Secret Recipe for 100% Guaranteed Happiness”. I couldn’t stop balling my eyes out and wanting to hold my daughter and never let her go. The feelings that well up inside me make me want to get this whole thing right, that much more. This whole Entrepreneur thing and living a better life to help others live a better life too. Damn this tears my heart out. I know I can still help others... [Read more]

What can a little old man teach us about making money online?
What can a little old man tell us about making money online? The Little Old Man in the video is Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido. The philosophy of the art is to use the opponents energy against the opponent. Another term for this is Economy of Motion, using as little energy as possible to execute the maximum results. The old man teaches how to use as little effort to over come huge obstacles or opponents. As you can see in the video the little guy is effortlessly overcoming one, two, four and five or more larger opponents, with what seems to be very little effort. An internet marketer tends to want want to make money without having to be tied to his keyboard all day long. Otherwise known as Life hackers, so we can do other things in life that are more important. Like enjoying the... [Read more]

31 Days to build a better blog
Give me 31 Days and I’ll Give You a Dramatically Better Blog… Guaranteed At least that’s what Darren Rowse is saying, and I believe it. I had been following Darren for a little while, I bought and downloaded the workbook “31 days to build a better blog“. After purusing it for a few days I decided to go ahead and start the workbook exercises. Not only did I see a dramatic increase in traffic in the space of just a few days but I learned more about blogging than I ever knew before. This was before I joined “Blog Mastermind“. Now BM is a much more robust program in which you are going for 6 months through a complete schooling on blogs, blogging, monetization and promotions, which is great but if you can’t afford $97 a month for 6 months, especially in this... [Read more]

Flowing with The Current Economy
What people are buying and what they are not. This economy has made things a little rough, as people aren’t buying luxury items as much, but what they are buying are things that they are desperate for, things that will either help them to Make Money Online, something that is a necessity, or something that they are desperately seeking a fix for. That would be something like a medical condition, or something that affects their social life or romantic life. Seeking Desperate Solutions. One such problem people would seek a fix for would be people who have little red bumps (aka Keratosis Pilaris) on their arms or legs. A “bride-to-be” might search desperately for something that will get rid of those little red bumps before her wedding. Why? So when she is wearing her wedding dress,... [Read more]

Compounding Online Income Streams and December’s Income Report
Compounding Little Income Streams to make Bigger Income Streams. I’d like to go over Decembers earnings and how Compounding Little Online Income Streams can help to form Bigger Streams of Income. This post is meant to encourage those having a hard time with making money online, by seeing how it’s working for me. Decembers income report is much better than the last one I put up, about $450.00 better than the last one. The last one was around $800.00. Decembers Report. So far the figures from December of 2009, which total $1,294.78, are as follows: Dating Site I Run – $338.89 TLA(Text Link Ads) – $52.19 Direct Advertising on my www.RockabillyLifestyle.com website – $250.00 Photography Sales (I’m a photographer too) – $150.00 Various Affiliate Sales –... [Read more]

Aweber email service Hacked?
I noticed a lot of spam in the past day or so to certain email addresses, and I recieved a blog posting from Darren Rowse of Problogger, stating: “I don’t want to cause alarm on this but today I’ve had emails from 11 subscribers to two of my different email lists that I administrate at Aweber complaining that they’ve been inundated with pharmaceutical spam. In each case the subscribers have set up email addresses especially for my newsletters which they use for no other purposes. In each case they’re complaining of getting the same types of emails – up to 20 of them in a few hours. At first I thought perhaps my account had been compromised – but I began to do some investigating and am beginning to see some others talk about the same problem. For example @planetmike tweeted... [Read more]

Speech Recognition for Bloggers – The Ultimate Guide
I’m subscribed to Copyblogger as should all of you be, and I got the post for the day and it talks about speech recognition software. I’ve been “playing” around with speech recognition for a little while, but only getting frustrated with it as it works half the time if that. I watched the video at the second link that Copyblogger listed which is at Problogger. Leave it to a guy in a wheelchair to come up with the Ultimate Guide to Speech Recognition. Certainly he needed it, but he took his disability and used it to his advantage and came up with Speech Recognition for Bloggers: The Ultimate Guide I give major kudos to Jon Morrow for not only overcoming what most people who just succumb too, but to overcome and move past his disability and become an integral and hard... [Read more]

I lied, I’m not as good as I thought, learning to blog…
Question Authority I’m not THE guru, eating my words. When I started this blog I was all set and ready to make money blogging, take on the world and show everyone how it was done. Well I got my words handed back to me and I am humbly asking for what little audience I have to forgive me. I really didn’t know what I was talking about and for the most part I don’t know as much as I thought I did. I was going to do this blog on Niche Marketing and tell you how you can make tons of money effortlessly with Niche Marketing, but the fact is, the way I was doing niche marketing was rather boring. So I make a niche site, I put an ebook on it and sell it. Oh Boy, how exciting and how many times can I talk about that? Once, maybe twice then its dead. I make money with a few dating sites... [Read more]

One of my Niche Sites – Disclosure.
I run a few niche sites that I sell eBooks on, and I thought I would disclose on of my sites for people to see and understand how I make money from them. These sites that I run are called Niche Sites, and How I make money from them is simple. I produce an eBook for the site I write articles about the specific niche I am targeting I people to sign up for a mini tutorial sent through email to help bring people back to my site I choose keywords that are high traffic, low competition and low search results I built a website and place the eBook on it for sale I include some articles on the site for people to read and to get their interest growing so they want to buy the eBook I use article marketing with article directories to drive traffic to my site Once it’s set up and running, it’s... [Read more]

EBooks: A High Profit, Low-Maintenance Business
If you are serious about making money online, there are a number of ways to do it. One idea is eBooks. They require very little cost upfront and can provide lots of revenue for your business. This is one way I make my money online. What are EBooks? EBooks are digital reading media that is easy to pass along to others. Many are choosing electronic books over printed books these days for several reasons. One, eBooks are shorter versions of more traditional books that can be created and published by you. Second, eBooks are easy to use and store. They fill space on your computer instead of space on bookshelves in your home. EBooks can be read in PDF format online or printed to take with you. Unlike traditional books, as soon as you order an eBook, you can have access to it in minutes. What does... [Read more]