What I have learned from blogging
Today is my daughters 1st birthday. I am taking her to the San Diego Zoo and taking her directly to the petting zoo. I want her to get a feel, literally, for the animals. It’s her day today and I want to make it special. Although she may never remember this day, she can still have a really good day. She is/was the best thing that happened to me, aside from my wife. In trying to make ends meet in this crappy economy, I have started to really pursue blogging in an effort to increase my income, as well as do more niche marketing. I already do niche marketing in several hot niche markets, but I also run several dating sites that do rather well for me. The thing that Blogging had taught me about running these other sites is word choice, phrasing and meaning of what I am writing. I am still... [Read more]

How to build a Niche Website
I stumbled upon this article tonight that just about puts it all out there for everyone to use. The articles goes from start to finish the steps to building a niche site and marketing it and page ranking it. This is a really good article and I highly recommend anyone who is into Niche to read it. It’s a 2 part article and part two is already there as well. Building a Niche Minisite (Part 1) On another note, my wife and I were able to get a baby sitter tonight and go out on a date. We went to Sushi, for the first time in 11 months. The last time was when my parents were in town visiting us and the new addition to the family, our daughter Sarah. So tonight was really nice to just get out, away from teh house, and have a little quiet time together eating raw fish. 🙂 Yum! We then went... [Read more]

10 Steps to Start and Run a Successful Dating Site
The ten steps to start and run a successful dating site. Find a Niche that may not be met or fulfilled – Possibly a medical need, or a handicap type need, or cultural need. Think Jewish dating, or dating for amputees or Gay Midget Dating, the software I suggest for finding niches for dating sites is Micro Niche Finder. This software will make your life so much easier, it is a must have. Research the searches per month and search result with Google, Google Keyword Tool or Micro Niche Finder, to determine need and effective placement in search engine ranking. Decide if the niche you picked is going to work, if not start over. Review and choose the dating site software to run the site. One software I recommend and use is Webscribble’s Webdate. This is a very robust software and is... [Read more]

The Secret to Successful Blogging or Marketing.
Old Dog I’ve been in the business of making money on the internet for about 10 years now. I started in the dating site niche back in 1997 back when the internet was still young and growing. I wasn’t making any money at the time, but I was running a dating site specific for people with a certain medical condition. I would receive emails with an ad and then I would post it by hand myself and people would then be accessible for dating. At this stage of the game I didn’t know much about SEO, or traffic or html for that matter but I was doing it. I was also the first and only dating site for this genre of people, so I obviously stood out in the searches. I continued to be a stand out and then I noticed something, there were other dating sites in my niche but they were charging... [Read more]

All in One SEO WordPress Plugin – Video Tutorial
Here’s the All in One SEO plug in for your word press blog. This is one of the “Must Have” Plug ins for your blog. This is for search engine optimization(SEO). Check it out. This Plug in is for making a blog a bit more search engine friendly. Most of us want the search engines to “like” our pages, so we use something like this to make it so. Most Websites that are properly coded are SEO Friendly, however when we start using canned CMS sites such as word press or any other type of CMS(content management system) we run into the effects of coding and such on the SEO friendliness of our site. This plug in makes it much friendlier. 🙂 Read More →

Duplicate Content Hurts EVERYONE
In my quest to learn all I can about Niche Marketing and Niche Marketing Strategies, I have joined a membership site that has a pretty good track record and following. I first learned about this site from Yaro Starak and one of his Podcasts. I listen to podcasts all the time, everyday in fact when I am walking. Anyway I like the philosophy behind this membership sites method, so I joined. In the style of making money online, they give a prebuilt website kit to all members each month to use as a learning tool. The kits are a bunch of articles for article marketing, keywords for SEO marketing, Graphics and the articles for each site. Once you get these sites you’re supposed to customize them to be unique and your own. However, as it is with most people just learning or trying to make money... [Read more]

My office the coffee shop, one of them
Do you ever go to a coffee shop late at night and just sit there and relax and people watch? or take your laptop and headphones and browse the net, and people watch? I do and I love it. As long as I have my laptop and an internet connection I am good to go. There are several sites I like getting podcasts from and free pdfs reports and blueprints, and I will just sit and read or listen to a podcast and zone out. These are some of my most favorite ways to come up with ideas for more niches or ways for online marketing. At a coffee shop I can sit and watch people and just totally relax, and when I relax that’s when the creative ideas start to flow. I see things, people, interactions, needs or wants and they give me ideas. Ideas turn into pdf reports or downloads or attachments I send out... [Read more]

3 Places Where I find possible Niches
I am constantly on the go and since I have been in Internet Marketing and Niche Marketing, my brain thinks a little differently sometimes. When I come across something that is a possible need, my head starts to churn it around up there and think of possible niches or ways of using that as a money maker. Before I do anything else there are a few places I like to go when I have an idea that I want to investigate. A few of these places are: A) Google Keyword Search Tool – To see what sort of search numbers come up for that word or word phrase. Google Trends – I then punch it into Google trends to see what sort of trends are coming up with that word or word phrase If Google trends doesn’t turn anything up then I go to Google Insight, even if it does turn something up I still... [Read more]

Hellraiser Puzzle Box meets the economy from hell
Time…to play… I have a favorite movie called Hellraiser, some of you may have heard of it, you know that movie with pinhead? Anyway, I love that movie for some strange reason, and I love that little box that everyone is always trying to get their hands on. I found a site that sells them and I ordered one a few years ago. Quality Lacks Well I finally got the box after months and many emails hassling the guy for either my money back or the box. when I finally got the box, it was already falling apart. the brass plates were peeling up at the corners and it was tarnished and it looks like he tried to sand the brass to shine it up. It was an unholy piece of crap. My Vow to the world, or how I sold my soul… I was pissed. No one should ever have to put up with what I did ever again,... [Read more]

My Review of “Desperate Buyer Only”
Have you ever thought about writing an eBook or eReport and selling it on the Internet? Maybe you found the secret to getting the smell of cat pee out of the couch or how to get the dog to stop chewing your shoes or how to get a checking account when you are in the chex system? If you have thought about doing this but never got around to it, or talked yourself out of it you could be talking yourself out of making a lot of money. I had never really thought about this until I ran across the title of a forum called “Desperate Buyers Only“. My first knowledge of “Desperate Buyers Only” was through The Warrior Forums, and I did a little research on it and decided to buy it in June of 2009. It’s an eBook by Alexis Dawes and goes into how to find what people are desperate... [Read more]
Yaro Starack, at Entrepreneurs Journey
Yaro Starack is probably one of the most widely known bloggers on the planet. I personally kept running into his blog over and over again, when I was researching different IM strategies. Seems Yaro does a bit of interviewing of other IM’ers, and any time I googled a subject I would find at least one reference to his blog. Yaro has done well for himself and teaches people about blogging. Not HOW TO BLOG, but about blogging as a business and how to make a living from it. His site adn his posts and such are no nonsense and no hype. I LIKE THAT. Man finally someone who is not trying to sell me everythign adn then some, b ut someone who is honest, real and tells a straight story. You have got to check out his site: http://www.entrepreneurs-journey.com, you will find a plethora of information... [Read more]
Super Adsense WordPress Themes
I have been so damn busy lately with all the Desperate buyers and Lazy affiliate stuff I have been doing, I haven’t done a post in forever. I am doing a ton of work lately and hopefully in the next day or so I will go into it. I have however put up a site to sell Super Adsense WordPress Themes for a super low price of 9.97. Along with that I bundled up Jason Oickles “Adsense Secrets Unleashed”. This is the most complete eBook on Adsense I have ever seen and he said I could bundle it in with my Super Adsense Wordrpress Themes. Anyway the site is here: http://www.wp-adsense-themes.net and again the themes are going for $9.97 (cheap) and the Jason Oickle eBook “Adsense Secrets Unleashed” is free. Read More →